Generation Alpha vs Generation Z
The past year the generation Z was quite popular, and boomers you might have heard of, but did you know that there's been a new generation formed a few years ago called Generation A or Generation Alpha. One question I ask myself is if at what point am I in Generation Alpha or Generation Z? Is the label of Generation Z or Generation Alpha of when you were born or what your personality is like?
What are Generations?
Generations are groups of people ,that were born in a particular time line or have the same link of attributes. There are six generations, so far. The Greatest Generation also known as Builders(born 1901–1927), The Silent Generation (born 1928–1945) also known as Boomers, Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964), Generation X (born 1965–1980), Millennials (born 1981–1997), Generation Z (born 1998–2010), and the beginning Generation Alpha (born 2011–2025). So far there only seven generations hopefully more to come.
Generation Alpha
Generation Alpha is the youngest of the seven generations, it is so far not finished though, as many people have found hope for this new generation since it will be the most educated group by far, because of new technology and topics/subjects. Generation Alpha in 2021, age group is around six years old and under or born around 2011–2025.Generation A is the newest to come and hopefully the best to come. We don’t know what will happen next.
Generation Z
Generation Z is a group of people born around 1998 to 2010, the age group coming around to 23 to 11 years old. Most of Generation Z voted in the 2020 election, and 85% research online and 33% watch lessons online to educate themselves. Most people of Gen Z is relying on technology. In all, Generation Z was and is a great generation but let’s hope the the next generation is better and is a little more mentally stable.
So which is better?
In our bright future we can can only rely on Generation Alpha, but all Generation Z can do is give encouraged and lead Generation Alpha too be the next generation of leaders. In 2021 all we can do is hope for our future so neither of them are better or worse, they both play a big role in a persons life times. We can hope we have a bright future for Generation A and we can thank all other six generations for that.
Thank you for reading this Article on Generations. I hoped you'd enjoyed reading and learned something new. Which Generation are you?
Article by: Autumn Leafs
Edited by : Autumn Leafs
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