Constitution of Tazagobia

Autumn Settembre
9 min readJun 22, 2023

Written by: Autumn Settembre

Background: Constitution is defined as “a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed”. Constitutions are the fundamental laws, government, and overall guidelines and restrictions of ones country or district. For my 7th grade social studies class, my assigned group and I , had to create our own country, having a plethora of other options for 25 or more projects, I chose to write my fake country’s (Tazagobia) constitution. In this document I express a fictional and creative constitution based on the government that my group had picked, this is my creative “constitution”.

Tazagobia’s flag
Very vague photo of : Tazagobia’s physical map (for refrence)

Tazagobia as one, must establish unity and principles contributing to the fundamental laws as one country. Building ourselves in ensuring justice, facing defense, maintaining tranquility and individuality, honoring the dynasty, and shall lead forward in all things that contribute to the welfare of Tazagobia.

Article I

Section 1

Most legislative control is given to the monarch or dynastic family. Rest of control given to the public through region representatives voted and bestowed upon by monarch leaders and citizens of Tazagobia.

Section 2

The Monarch family is descended from the current leader and dynasty. The leading position and symbol must be held until death or deemed unfit for role. Region representatives hold their places for six years, and are allowed to participate in re-election once the first term has ended, no representatives are allowed more than two terms each. This is voted by citizens over the age of 20, and are legally an adult. Elections will be decided through electoral votes between cities and regions. No person shall be a representative if under the age of 25 and have been a 4 year citizen of Tazagobia.

Section 3

If the Monarch branch disagrees with the representative branch, shall both branches be confined in the “Final Council”, constructed of 10 people. Final council members vote on the most logical and scientifically checked side, the more prominent side will be the final decision.

Section 4

Members of the final council shall be elected by popular vote within the whole country as one, no members of the same party can be elected at the same time. Members can serve up to 35 years and a minimum of 5 years each. New elections should be held after 15 years of each member’s service.

Section 5

No member of the Monarch branch, Representative branch, or Final council member is running without constant mental health checks. Members and representatives shall be checked upon every other year of running and background checks should be held before running at all. If person is deemed dangerous and can put the country at risk, they shalt be allowed to run. If any member has an unreasonable crime in the past thou shall not be accepted to elections.

Section 6

No member shall be invincible and can be impeached if found guilty. If found guilty in the Monarch branch thy shall be switched with next in line. Members are judged based on their situation, evidence, witnesses and are overall decided with the rest of members in governmental branches.

Article II

Section 1

Migration and immigration should be dealt with within 3 years or less. If discrimination is detected and dealt with between immigrants and members of Tazagobia migration council a fine of T$2000 or more will be charged to the offenders. To get citizenship and/or visa multiple transactions of past records, (i.e. birth certificate, past citizenships, witness notice, etc.) must be provided and checked upon administration. Migrants should have a common understanding with Tazagobia’s principles and basic history to get citizenship. Background checks should be held and mental health check ups should be conducted every other year for 4 years once given citizenship.

Section 2

To collect green cards for temporary stay and business reasons is acceptable in the standard of background checks and annual inspections between their stay, deeming if they are fit or not fit for staying at Tazagobia. This applies for visa under the conditions of their native countries acceptance with two recommendations from common people the recipient knows.

Section 3

For imprisonment, prisoners must be treated with no discrimination amongst staff, and given normal life needs until their time is due. Life requirements include: food, water, shelter, clothing, and an hour outside everyday or an hour to maintain hygiene. Every month of term must be personally checked by a physical and mental health doctor or executive educated in their field. Prisoners may ask for a referral to see if they are fit for normal life before time is due. Programs can be put in place to slowly include ex-convicts to normal society once out of jail.

Article III

Section 1

Taxable income should be ¼ or 25% of annual income, monthly deposited. If not turned in by every other week, thou shall require punishment or a fine suitable for their situation and past history. If a person is a citizen or loiters upon the land benefiting from financial support they should participate in taxation. If a person is confused about the taxation form, the free program of “Tazagobia taxation program” must help navigate and direct the money to the correct account and taxation collector.

Section 2

Tax payers must not pay tax for items upfront at check out. Until the age of 20, this person shall not pay taxes and if is being financially supported in the workforce, guardians, or government, must contribute to the taxation of their dues. Less repercussions will be taken into account in this situation. Innocent until proven guilty.

Section 3

Taxation on foreign trades must cost more than 25% of shipping and commodities itself, giving to the government. Depending on the value of trade 25% of taxation can fluctuate, because it is benefiting the country as one.

Article IIII

Section 1

Freedom and independence must be granted to every citizen of Tazagobia. Freedom of speech, religion, press, and movement. The Citizens of each region shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in Tazagobia.

Section 2

The freedom of religion is kept. Every citizen is allowed to follow their own religion or beliefs but they must respect and worship the king or queen that is in charge. Religion is allowed under the restriction of not harming anyone or anything, nor base laws or principles to the law limiting other citizens freedom and self liberty because of it. School and educational days are permitted to be missed if religious holidays limits it. Acts of discrimination and harm due to or are caused by religion, it will not be accounted for in the court of law. If any hate crimes are conducted because of religion serious repercussions will occur and be allowed to be in jail for 8 months or more depending on the crime. Everyone has the right of freedom of religion.

Section 3

Freedom of speech is permitted. Every citizen of Tazagobia has the right to “speak their mind” and have the right to say what they fancy; including protests and declarations. Freedom of speech should be included in the court of law, however, in the event that the speech causes mass destruction or dictation, they shall be held accountable but not represented in the court of law. Speech or actions that affect citizens’ lives must be held at a cost. Speech may be fined if found guilty but not imprisoned by the speaker due to their rights. Threats will be taken seriously, if said, written, or mentioned through words and speech.

Section 4

Freedom of firearms are limited, guns need permits for owners and need to participate in mental health checks and safety checks, every other month of ownership of permits. If deemed unfit, or put in a dangerous environment the permit is taken away. Guns and weapons may only be sold 1–2 weapons per person and all tracked and sold in government buildings and offices. Permit accepts need to be a citizen for more than 5 years and over the age of 25. Knives and other weapons are permitted under other conditions. Every citizen has the right to protect themselves in self defense if threatened or assaulted before.

Section 5

Every citizen of Tazagobia has the right to be innocent. In the event of the jury every person is innocent until proven guilty. In the event that the innocent is accused unrightfully and imprisoned a valuable fine will be given T$8,000 or above depending on time or authority and weight of accusation.

Section 6

Every citizen of Tazagobia has the right to run for elections. Under the conditions and constitution mentioned in Article 1, Section 5. Mental and physical health checks, background reviews and eligibility in being a born citizen over the age of 25 in Tazagobia. Members of the monarch branch may not be elected until the event of overthrowing.

Section 7

Equality in all races, genders, sexual orientation, religion and other aspects may not affect the way they are treated, paid, or talked to. Discrimination and hate crimes are not acceptable and can be fine for T$8,000 or more and 1–2 weeks in jail due to circumstances.

Article Ⅴ

Section 1

Through trading imports and exports a ledger or record of transactions should be recorded. Multiple transactions are permitted from other countries to import and export. Tazagobia’s main exports as of 2023 are oil, coal, and natural gas (tar pond), wheat , and rice, as well as cotton (volcano fertile soil, agriculture amongst gobia’s river system), uranium, polonium, and gold ( Taza canyon). Mentioned in Article 3, Section 3 taxation amongst exports and imports fluctuate around the 25% of payment, depending on value of imports/exports.

Section 2

Imports and exports safety and threats to Tazagobia must be taken into account. If past history hints at a threat to Tazagobia, the country must be sanctioned until proven it has changed or will not pose a threat. There may be independent business to the well being of the economy, although 20% of the business selling and profit will be taxed to the owner, to their annual salary. Multiple checks will be conducted by the TFAP (Tazagobia food and protection) organization. Imports and exports with allies lowers the cost of taxation to 10% or more.

Section 3

Advertisements and trade promoting are required to admit their cause to consumers before consumption. Business will be checked out and proven not a scam every other year of the company or shop being promoted. If the establishment is proven guilty of being a scam a fine for T$5,000 or more will be prosecuted. Con establishments are not allowed and will be boycotted, strictly banned from use along with fine in the eyes of the court of law.

Article Ⅵ

Section 1

Aid and support will be given, led by the king, queen, or leader in the dynastic family, approved by region representatives. Support and Aid will be bestowed in countries that are deemed fit, with a legal document or ledger of transactions. If aid and support deemed not safe or helpful for Tazagaobia or as seen as a threat to Tazagobia, further actions will not proceed and be denied.

Section 2

Aid will be given through housing for refugees, medical care for injured victims and food for starving citizens of the helped country. Support can be applied, fluctuating with conditions, with military support, firearm support, technology support, and or leading support in defending or offending other countries at risk or war.

Section 3

Aid and support may be declined and/or stopped, due to harsh conditions towards Tazagobia or threat of Tazagobia through the country’s effort to help, towards treaties and other legal agreements.

Article Ⅶ

Section 1

Military and force will contribute to aid and support mentioned in Article 6 and defense and offense in terms of war or military disagreements, as well as security for the citizens and country of Tazagobia. There are 5 military forces that include: Army, Marine corps, Navy, Air force, and coast guard. Actions amongst the military must be approved by king, queen, or leader from Tazagobia’s dynasty, before put into place. If military generals or members disrupt the rule of approval , thoses in charge must be held accountable in the eyes of the court and law.

Section 2

Citizens or members of Tazagobia’s forces must be over the age of a legal adult ( 20 years or older). Most members of the Military should be involuntary, and are able to leave at any time , besides in the middle of battle. If a member is hurt, aid and medical assistance is much obliged. In times of short staff and in need of more, citizens can be drafted over the age of 20, and must serve 6 months or more if needed. If permanent injury (e.x. Lost limb/finger, broken receptor or sense of sight, or hearing, etc.) is found on soldiers, members will be forced home and not needed to go back to war.

Section 3

For entry to the Military, soldiers must be background checked , as well as physical and mental health tests must be conducted. Past history records will also contribute to approval of entry to the military. Military staff and soldiers must be threaded to lively needs like food , water, shelter, hygiene products and others. Soldiers and military staff do still have freedom, and rights listed in Article 4.



Autumn Settembre

Hi, I’m Autumn and I love biology, chemistry, psychology and quantum physics. Any questions or topics, you can contact me at Thanks!